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Nano FAQs - Learn more about XNO
Nano FAQs - Learn more about XNO

Information about Nano (XNO) in Exodus. Learn about Nano transactions, setting a custom representative, receive blocks and other tips.

Updated over a week ago

NANO (XNO) will no longer be supported in Exodus after July 1st, 2024. If you hold XNO you will need to swap it or send your XNO to another wallet. To learn more, visit the article: Asset sunset FAQs.

Frequently asked questions about Nano (XNO), including how to set your own custom representative.

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In this article:

How do I set a custom representative?

Exodus uses a default custom representative to vote for a node. Many Nano users prefer to vote for their own preferred representative. Exodus allows you to enter a custom representative of your choosing. Here's how:


  1. In Exodus Mobile, a) tap the Wallet icon and b) select Nano (XNO).

  2. Tap the Settings icon in the top right corner of your Nano (XNO) wallet.

  3. Tap Custom Representative.

  4. a) Enter your Nano custom representative address, or leave the space empty to remove the custom representative. b) Tap Confirm to set your custom representative.


  1. On Exodus Desktop , a) click the Wallet icon and b) select Nano (XNO).

  2. a) Click the More icon in the top right corner of your Nano wallet, and b) click Advanced Options.

  3. Click Set Custom Representative.

  4. a) Enter your Nano custom representative address, or leave the space empty to remove the custom representative. b) Click Save to set your custom representative.

Why hasn't my Nano (XNO) deposit arrived?

If your Nano (XNO) deposit is not showing in your wallet, it could be that your wallet has not broadcasted a receive block. When XNO is sent to your Exodus wallet, the transaction will remain pending until your Exodus wallet creates a receive block. There is no limit to how long a transaction can stay pending.

Once your Exodus wallet broadcasts a receive block, the transaction will complete, and the XNO will be visible in your wallet.

In order for your Exodus wallet to broadcast a receive block, your wallet must be open and connected to the Internet. It can take a couple of minutes for your wallet to broadcast the receive block.

If your XNO balance still does not show, then follow the steps in the following guide to refresh your XNO wallet: How do I refresh Exodus Mobile?

If your desktop wallet is locked, it will not broadcast this receive block, and you will not receive your funds until your wallet is unlocked.

Why can't I see my Nano (XNO) after restoring my wallet inside Exodus?

The way Exodus derives your Nano information from your 12-word secret recovery phrase is slightly different from other wallets. The BIP44 constant used in Exodus for XNO is 0x80000100 (instead of the more common 0x800000a5).

As a result, if you have restored a wallet with a different derivation path from Exodus, then your Nano (XNO) will not be visible in Exodus.

How can I fix it?

The only way to fix this is to send your Nano from your other wallet to Exodus as a transaction. To see how to receive funds into your Exodus wallet, check out this guide: How do I receive crypto?

Why can't I see my Nano (XNO) after restoring my Exodus wallet in a different wallet?

The way Exodus derives your Nano information from your secret recovery phrase is slightly different from other wallets. The BIP44 constant used in Exodus for XNO is 0x80000100 (instead of the more common 0x800000a5).

As a result, if you have restored your Exodus wallet 12-word secret recovery phrase into a different wallet and your Nano is not showing, this is because the other wallet doesn't know that your Exodus wallet stored your Nano in a different place.

How can I fix it?

The only way to fix this is to send your Nano from your Exodus wallet to the other wallet as a transaction. To see how to send funds from your Exodus wallet, check out this guide: How do I send crypto out of Exodus?

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