Top 10 Most Iconic Doge Memes

Top 10 Most Iconic Doge Memes

Top 10 Most Iconic Doge Memes

Doge memes have been buttering the bread of the internet for over a decade, and it has been 8 years since crypto devs created Dogecoin, a digital currency dedicated to everyone’s favourite Shiba Inu.

But which is the best dogecoin meme of all time? And how are we qualified to make this decision on behalf of the world? (Only one of these questions will be answered below).

Join us for a Brief History of Doge, and a rundown of the Top 10 Most Iconic Doge Memes of all time.

The Origin of Dogecoin Memes

The O.D (Original Doge) is a Shiba Inu dog named Kabosu, which was rescued by a Kindergarten teacher in Japan, who shared some images of her new pet on her blog in February 2010.

In October 2010, the concerned-looking ‘Shibe’ turned up on Reddit, captioned ‘LMBO LOOK @ THIS DOGE’, shortly after which, Reddit users began uploading Doge Memes of the ‘Shibe’ in different costumes and forms, such as the Loaf of Doge:

2012 saw the launch of the ‘Shiba Confessions’ Tumblr page, which depicted Doges with their interior monologues expressed in multicolour, comic sans font:

Dogecoin was launched in 2013, as a light-hearted, user friendly version of Bitcoin. Despite its status as a Meme Coin, Doge does have some utility; it is used for tipping quality content on Reddit, and the Doge Community have used it to raise money for charitable causes.

Shortly after the launch, scammers managed to steal 21m Doge from users of Dogewallet. The Doge community banded together again, and managed to raise enough money to partially refund the victims of the hack. But this did show that even Doge has its dark side:

In 2017, Facebook users began posting Doges that had their facial features morphed, to turn them into toucans, dragons and spiders:

And in 2018, Reddit users took to posting Doges which were trapped in precarious situations, usually by antagonists named Bethany or Karen:

In 2019, Exodus launched their Exodus Dogecoin Wallet, which still remains one of the safest places to store and swap Doge, and even has a customised Doge Wallet Skin for Shibe.

In February 2021, users of the Reddit group Wall Street Bets banded together to cause the Dogecoin price to surge to a new all-time-high of 0.08cents per DOGE:

And this was followed by a public endorsement of Dogecoin by none other than Elon Musk, the world’s richest man:

Musk’s enthusiasm means that the price of Dogecoin is not just going to the moon, but also has the potential to take over the world.

And with that in mind, the best Doge meme ever made is one that represents not just the future of Doges, but of the internet, and human civilization itself.

As art imitates life and life imitates art, it cannot be denied that we will all one day be exploring the multiverse inside a squadron of sweet, spongey, rocket-propelled Doges:

To infinity and beyond!

Keep your DOGE safe in the Exodus Dogecoin wallet.

This content is for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. You should consult a qualified licensed advisor before engaging in any transaction.

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