Learn more about Trezor hidden wallets and passphrases.
Need a crypto wallet that gives you full control of your assets? You can download Exodus here.
In this article:
What is a Trezor hidden wallet?
Trezor hidden wallets are an extra security feature. Multiple hidden wallets can be created on the same Trezor by using passphrases.
Video tutorial: What is a hidden wallet?
How are hidden wallets generated?
Hidden wallets are generated by combining a passphrase and your Trezor's secret recovery phrase. This process creates an entirely new wallet with unique addresses and private keys.
Every time you want to connect to a hidden wallet, you must correctly enter its passphrase.
Hidden wallets create an extra layer of security because, in addition to the secret recovery phrase, you also need the passphrase to access your hidden wallet.
Hidden wallets also allow you to have multiple wallets on the same Trezor by using different passphrases for each hidden wallet.
You can read more about hidden wallets on Trezor's website.
Why is the passphrase so important?
If you use hidden wallets, it is crucial that you never forget or lose the passphrase you use to access your hidden wallet.
Creating a hidden wallet adds extra responsibility as you need to keep both the secret recovery phrase and the passphrase safe. Without the passphrase or secret recovery phrase, you won't be able to access your hidden wallet.
Each time you connect to your hidden wallet, you will be prompted to enter the passphrase.
It is important that you enter the passphrase correctly, exactly as when the hidden wallet was created.
If you enter the passphrase incorrectly, your Trezor will combine it with your secret recovery phrase to create and connect to an entirely new wallet.
If you don't unlock a hidden wallet when you connect your Trezor to Exodus, you will enter your standard wallet. Your standard wallet doesn't have a passphrase.
How do hidden wallets work in Exodus?
In Exodus, if you have enabled passphrases on your Trezor device, you can select if you want to access your standard Trezor wallet, unlock your hidden wallet, or create a new hidden wallet by entering a new passphrase.
If you use hidden wallets, you must always have access to the passphrase. If you forget or lose the passphrase, you will not be able to access the hidden wallet and its funds.
If you lose or forget your hidden wallet's passphrase, it is impossible to recover it. Please only use a Trezor hidden wallet if you are confident you won't lose or forget its passphrase.
Please note that when you enter the passphrase, you must enter it correctly, exactly as when you created the hidden wallet.
The passphrase is case-sensitive, and spaces are also valid characters. For example, the passphrases "crypto wallet", "Crypto Wallet", "CryptoWallet", and "cryptowallet" would all create a different hidden wallet.
If you have trouble connecting to your hidden wallet with Exodus, go to: How do I troubleshoot Trezor hidden wallets?
How do I enable or disable passphrases?
You can enable or disable your Trezor's passphrase feature in Exodus Desktop.
It is crucial to ensure you will never lose your passphrase. Only the correct passphrase can give you access to your hidden wallet. If you forget or lose the passphrase, it is impossible to access your hidden wallet and the funds in it.
Connect your Trezor with Exodus Desktop and unlock your Trezor with the PIN code using your Trezor device.
In Exodus, a) click the Settings icon, then b) click Devices. c) Click the menu icon next to your Trezor, then d) click Enable Passphrase Protection.
You will be asked if you want to enable passphrase protection on your Trezor device. Confirm the request on your Trezor device.
To disable passphrases, a) click the Settings icon, then b) click Devices. c) Click the menu icon next to your Trezor, then d) click Disable Passphrase Protection.
How do I connect to a hidden wallet in Exodus?
When you connect your Trezor to Exodus Desktop, if you have passphrases enabled for your Trezor device, you can select whether to access your standard Trezor wallet or unlock your hidden wallet.
If you choose to unlock your hidden wallet, you will be asked to enter a passphrase. Each different passphrase will result in a unique hidden wallet.
Connect your Trezor with Exodus Desktop and unlock your Trezor with the PIN code using your Trezor device.
Exodus will ask if you want to unlock a hidden wallet, click Unlock Hidden Wallet.
a) Enter the passphrase. b) Clicking the eye icon will reveal your passphrase so you can check it's been entered correctly. When you are ready, c) click Unlock. Exodus will then pair with the hidden wallet associated with the passphrase you entered.
It is important to enter the passphrase correctly. If you enter an incorrect passphrase, your Trezor will create a different hidden wallet. For more information, visit: Why does my Trezor create a new wallet when I enter my passphrase?
Next, confirm on your Trezor device that you want to access the hidden wallet.
Click Connect. This will add your Trezor hidden wallet to Exodus as a portfolio.
And done! Whenever you want to access the funds in the hidden wallet, you need to connect the Trezor to Exodus Desktop and enter the correct passphrase.
Make sure that you always have access to your passphrase so you can always access the hidden wallet.
What is a Trezor standard wallet, and how do I connect to it?
The Trezor standard wallet is generated from the secret recovery phrase. As it does not use a passphrase, it is not a hidden wallet.
If you always want Exodus to connect to your standard wallet, you can disable passphrases: How do I enable or disable passphrases?
If you have passphrases enabled on your Trezor device, Exodus will ask if you want to connect to your standard wallet or hidden wallet.
Here's how you can access your Trezor standard wallet if you have passphrases enabled:
Connect your Trezor with Exodus Desktop and unlock your Trezor with the PIN code using your Trezor device.
Exodus will ask if you want to connect a hidden wallet or your standard wallet. To connect to your standard wallet, click Continue.
Click Connect to open your Trezor standard wallet as an Exodus portfolio.
How do I troubleshoot Trezor hidden wallets?
This section will go through the most common issues when using hidden wallets.
Why does my Trezor create a new wallet when I enter my passphrase?
If you enter a passphrase but your Trezor creates a new wallet instead of connecting to the hidden wallet you wanted to connect to, it means the passphrase was entered incorrectly.
When you enter a passphrase, your Trezor will combine the secret recovery phrase stored on the Trezor with the passphrase and then connect to the wallet generated from that combination.
Your Trezor can't tell if the passphrase you entered is correct. Your Trezor will always generate a wallet based on the secret recovery phrase and the passphrase combination.
For example, if you created a hidden wallet by entering the passphrase "test" (all lower case), you need that exact passphrase to access that hidden wallet. If you enter the passphrase "Test" (capital T), you will create an entirely new hidden wallet.
Only the correct passphrase can give you access to your hidden wallet. It is impossible to access your hidden wallet and the funds in it if you forget or lose the passphrase. If you use hidden wallets, it is crucial to ensure you will never lose your passphrase.
In Exodus, you can easily see what portfolio your Trezor is connected to. The portfolio connected to your Trezor will have a green icon next to the portfolio name, as illustrated in the picture below:
Why is my send button greyed out?
If the Send button is greyed out, your Trezor is not connected to that portfolio.
There can be multiple reasons why your Trezor is not connected to Exodus. Let's go through how to identify what might be causing the connection issue.
Open your Exodus wallet and click the Portfolio icon.
Connect your Trezor with Exodus, then unlock the Trezor by entering the PIN code on your Trezor.
When your Trezor is connected, check if one of your Trezor portfolios has a green logo next to it, as illustrated below. The green logo shows you which portfolio the Trezor is connected to.What do you see when connecting the Trezor?
I do not see any green logo next to any of my Trezor portfolios.
This could indicate that the Trezor has an issue connecting or communicating with the Exodus app.
For more help on how to troubleshoot a Trezor that does not connect to Exodus, visit: Exodus does not connect with my Trezor.
My Trezor asks for a passphrase. After entering the passphrase, I am connected to a different portfolio.
If you entered the passphrase incorrectly, your Trezor will create a new portfolio. Double-check your passphrase and keep in mind the passphrase is case-sensitive.
You can also try connecting your Trezor to your standard wallet.
For more information, visit: Why does the Trezor create a new wallet when I enter my passphrase?
Why does Exodus ask for a passphrase when I have never used one?
If you have connected your Trezor with other wallets, such as Trezor Suite, there is a chance that the other wallet has enabled the optional hidden wallet feature.
If you always want Exodus to connect to your standard wallet, you can disable passphrases. When passphrases are disabled, Exodus will not prompt you to choose between unlocking a hidden wallet or the standard wallet. For a guide on how to disable passphrases, go to: How do I enable or disable passphrases?
If you wish to keep the passphrase feature enabled, you can connect to your standard wallet by following the steps in the guide: What is a Trezor standard wallet, and how do I connect to it?