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Does Exodus pay stakes? How to stake crypto
Does Exodus pay stakes? How to stake crypto

Exodus staking: You can stake multiple cryptocurrencies in Exodus. Learn how to stake, how to unstake, and how to claim staking rewards.

Updated over 2 months ago

Everything you need to know about staking crypto in Exodus.

In this article:

What is crypto staking?

Staking crypto is when you lock up your crypto or pledge your address to support the operations of a blockchain network. In return, you can earn staking rewards. Staking is made possible by the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus model.

A consensus mechanism is the process a blockchain uses to approve transactions, enforce its rules and security, and mint more cryptocurrency.

The PoS model allows users to submit their crypto as collateral for participating in the consensus mechanism. Users can pool their resources together to validate transactions on the network. In return, they are rewarded with crypto.

PoS is an alternative mechanism to the proof-of-work (PoW) model used by Bitcoin (BTC).

Unlike PoS, PoW uses computational power to validate transactions and generate more crypto, which is known as mining. BTC staking doesn't exist because the PoW model doesn't allow for staking.

Each PoS blockchain has its own rules and systems for staking, so there are differences in how staking works for each asset.

Video tutorial: What is crypto staking?

How does staking work in Exodus?

Exodus supports staking for multiple cryptocurrencies. As each crypto works a bit differently, we've outlined the key differences below:

Ethereum (ETH)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 0.1 ETH

  • Which platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Ledger in Exodus Mobile

  • How do I stake ETH? You need to choose an amount of ETH to stake. Earning and claiming rewards are automatic.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? All staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • What transaction fees can I expect? Staking, unstaking, and claiming unstaked rewards.

  • When do I start earning rewards? Variable.

  • How long does it take to unstake? Variable, then you need to claim your unstaked ETH to return it to your wallet.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? No, ETH rewards automatically compound into your staked balance. However, if you wish to send or swap your rewards, you need to unstake your ETH.

  • Learn more about staking Ethereum (ETH) here.

Algorand (ALGO)

  • What is the minimum amount I can commit? 1 ALGO

  • Which platform is ALGO governance available on? ALGO governance is available through the Algorand governance site.

  • How do I earn rewards with ALGO? ALGO uses a governance system. You must register your ALGO wallet on the governance site, which you can do from Exodus.

  • Are my funds locked while earning rewards? Funds are not locked. However, if your wallet balance falls below the amount of ALGO you've agreed to commit, you will not earn rewards for that governance period.

  • When do I start earning rewards? Funds must be committed for 3 months during the current governance period, or 12 months if joining the xGov program.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? No, rewards are automatically sent to eligible addresses at the end of their commitment period.

  • Note: You must vote in all voting sessions during a governance period to be eligible for rewards. If you miss voting in any initiative, you will not be eligible to receive rewards for that governance period.

  • Learn more about Algorand (ALGO) governance here.

Aptos (APT)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? You need to stake a minimum of 11 APT. In addition, you need to have enough for the 0.05 APT minimum reserve and the staking transaction fees.

  • Which platform is staking available on? Exodus Desktop.

  • How do I stake APT? You need to choose an amount of APT to stake. Earning and claiming rewards are automatic.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? All staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked. This includes earned rewards.

  • When do I start earning rewards? It takes around 2 hours to stake APT. Once it is staked, you will earn rewards every 2 hours.

  • How long does it take to unstake? After unstaking, you will need to wait until the end of the current lockup period before your APT is available. Each lockup period is 30 days long, which means unstaking can take up to 30 days. You can only unstake your entire balance of APT

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? No, your rewards are automatically added to your staked balance.

  • Learn more about staking Aptos (APT) here.

Axelar (AXL)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 0.01 AXL

  • Which platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop.

  • How do I stake AXL? You choose an amount of AXL to stake, then earning rewards is automatic. Staking new AXL automatically claims your rewards.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? Yes, staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • When do I start earning rewards? You will begin to earn rewards immediately after staking AXL.

  • How long does it take to unstake? You can unstake any amount of AXL. Unstaked AXL becomes unbonding and takes up to 7 days to return to your Axelar balance. This unstaked AXL does not earn rewards for the 7-day unbonding period.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? You need to claim rewards manually. Rewards can be claimed once they reach at least 0.1 AXL.

  • Learn more about staking Axelar (AXL) here.

Cardano (ADA)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 5 ADA

  • What platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop, Exodus Web3 Wallet.

  • How do I stake ADA? You will need to stake your ADA address balance, then earning and claiming rewards are automatic after this time.

  • What network fees can I expect? A network fee of 0.2 ADA is required. There is also a deposit fee of 2 ADA to register your address, which is returned to your balance when you unstake.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? Your ADA is not locked during this time, and can be sent or swapped.

  • When do I start earning rewards? Up to 25 days to start earning rewards for the first time staking, then rewards accumulate every subsequent 5 days.

  • How long does it take to unstake? Unstaking is instant.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? No, ADA rewards automatically compound into your staked balance. However, if you wish to send or swap your rewards, they need to be claimed. You need at least 1 ADA in rewards to manually claim rewards.

  • Learn more about staking Cardano (ADA) here.

Cosmos (ATOM)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 0.735 ATOM

  • Which platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop.

  • How do I stake ATOM? You choose an amount of ATOM to stake, then earning rewards is automatic. Staking new ATOM automatically claims your rewards.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? Yes, staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • When do I start earning rewards? You will begin to earn rewards immediately after staking your ATOM.

  • How long does it take to unstake? You can unstake any amount of ATOM. Unstaked ATOM becomes unbonding and takes 21 days to return to your ATOM balance. This unstaked ATOM does not earn rewards for the 21-day unbonding period.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? You can either manually claim rewards or enable ATOM auto restaking. Rewards can be claimed or auto-restaked once they reach at least 0.1 ATOM.

  • Learn more about staking Cosmos (ATOM) here.

Injective (INJ)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 0.000687 INJ.

  • Which platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop.

  • How do I stake INJ? You choose an amount of INJ to stake, then earning rewards is automatic. Staking new INJ automatically claims your rewards.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? Yes, staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • When do I start earning rewards? You will begin to earn rewards immediately after staking your INJ.

  • How long does it take to unstake? You can unstake any amount of INJ. Unstaked INJ becomes unbonding and takes 21 days to return to your INJ balance. This unstaked INJ does not earn rewards for the 21-day unbonding period.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? You can claim rewards manually or enable INJ auto restaking. Rewards can be claimed or auto-restaked once they reach at least 0.05 INJ.

  • Learn more about staking Injective (INJ) here.

Kava (KAVA)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 0.165 KAVA

  • Which platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop

  • How do I stake KAVA? You need to choose an amount of KAVA to stake, then earning rewards is automatic. Staking new KAVA automatically claims your rewards.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? Yes, staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • When do I start earning rewards? You will start to earn rewards immediately after staking your KAVA.

  • How long does it take to unstake? You can unstake any amount of KAVA. Unstaked KAVA becomes unbonding and takes 21 days to return to your KAVA balance. This unstaked KAVA does not earn rewards for the 21-day unbonding period.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards?You can either manually claim rewards or enable KAVA auto restaking. Rewards can be claimed or auto-restaked once they reach at least 0.1 KAVA.

  • Learn more about staking Kava (KAVA) here.

Ontology (ONT)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 0.1 ONT and 0.15 ONG are required to start staking.

  • Which platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop

  • How do I stake ONT? You will need to choose to stake an amount of ONT, then earning rewards is automatic. You will just need to manually claim your rewards.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? All staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • When do I start earning rewards? It takes between 32 hours to 61 days of staking before you earn your first reward payout, which is paid out in Ontology Gas (ONG). This depends on the speed and traffic of the Ontology blockchain.

  • How long does it take to unstake? You can unstake your ONT at any time. However, it will take the Ontology network 16 hours to 41 days to return the funds to your wallet balance.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? You need to manually claim rewards in order for them to reflect in your ONG balance or to restake your rewards.

  • Learn more about staking Ontology (ONT) here.

Osmosis (OSMO)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? Anything above 0.0825 OSMO plus the staking transaction fee. 0.0825 OSMO is reserved in your wallet to pay transaction fees to claim rewards.

  • What platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop.

  • How do I stake OSMO? You will need to choose to stake an amount of OSMO, then earning rewards is automatic. You can either claim rewards manually or set them to automatically be restaked.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? All staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • What network fees can I expect? Staking. Unstaking. Claiming rewards. Enabling and disabling auto restaking.

  • When do I start earning rewards? You will start to earn rewards immediately after staking your OSMO.

  • How long does it take to unstake? Up to 14 days for funds to unstake.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? You can either manually claim rewards or enable OSMO automatic restaking. Rewards can be claimed or auto-restaked once they reach at least 0.1 OSMO.

  • Learn more about staking Osmosis (OSMO) here.

Polygon (MATIC)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 1 MATIC

  • What platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop, Ledger in Exodus Mobile.

  • How do I stake MATIC? You will need to choose to stake an amount of MATIC, then earning rewards is automatic. You will just need to manually claim your rewards.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? All staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • What network fees can I expect? Staking. Unstaking. Claiming rewards. To keep transaction fees to a minimum, you can wait and claim your rewards in larger batches.

  • When do I start earning rewards? You will start to earn rewards immediately after staking your MATIC.

  • How long does it take to unstake? Up to 3-4 days for funds to unstake. You will need to claim your unstaked MATIC to return it to your wallet balance.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? You need to manually claim rewards in order for them to reflect in your MATIC balance or to restake your rewards. You can claim rewards after you have earned at least 1 MATIC.

  • Learn more about staking Polygon (MATIC) here.

Solana (SOL)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 0.01 SOL

  • What platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop, Exodus Web3 Wallet, Ledger in Exodus Mobile.

  • How do I stake SOL? You will need to choose to stake an amount of SOL, then earning and claiming rewards is automatic.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? All staked funds are locked and cannot be sent or swapped until they are unstaked.

  • What network fees can I expect? Staking. Unstaking. Claiming rewards. To keep transaction fees to a minimum, you can wait and claim your rewards in larger batches.

  • When do I start earning rewards? After staking SOL, you will need to wait for 2 epochs to start generating rewards. 2 epochs on the Solana network is typically around 4-8 days or more.

  • How long does it take to unstake? You can unstake SOL at any time, but you may need to wait for several epochs, typically around 4-8 days or more, for the unstaking process to complete.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? You do not need to claim SOL rewards. SOL rewards automatically compound into your staked balance. However, if you wish to send or swap your rewards, you will need to unstake your SOL.

  • Learn more about staking Solana (SOL) here.

Tezos (XTZ)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? 1 XTZ

  • What platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop.

  • How do I stake XTZ? You will need to stake your XTZ address balance, then earning and claiming rewards are automatic after this time.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? Your XTZ is not locked during this time, and can be sent or swapped.

  • When do I start earning rewards? It will take up to 38 days from when you first stake your XTZ to start earning rewards.

  • How long does it take to unstake? You can choose to unstake your Tezos address at any time. Rewards will continue to accrue for the next 35 days after unstaking.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? You do not need to claim XTZ rewards. XTZ rewards automatically compound into your staked balance.

  • Learn more about staking Tezos (XTZ) here.

VeChain (VET)

  • What is the minimum amount I can stake? There is no minimum for VET staking.

  • What platforms is staking available on? Exodus Mobile, Exodus Desktop.

  • How do I stake VET? Any VeChain address with any amount of VET in it will automatically begin staking. Rewards are paid out in VTHO, the gas token.

  • Are my funds locked while staking? Your VET is not locked during this time, and can be sent or swapped.

  • When do I start earning rewards? Staking begins the moment VET is added to an address, and rewards are accrued and paid out with every new block added to the VeChain blockchain.

  • Do I need to claim my rewards? VTHO rewards are automatically paid out to your VET/VTHO address and do not need to be claimed.

  • Learn more about staking VeChain (VET) to earn VeThor (VTHO) here.

What is the Staking tile in Exodus Mobile?

You can access all staking assets from your Profile in Exodus Mobile. Here's how:

  1. In Exodus Mobile, a) tap the Profile icon, then b) tap Staking.

  2. Here, you'll see all stakeable assets in Exodus Mobile, their corresponding APY, and any previous earnings. Tap on any asset for more staking options.

What is the Rewards app in Exodus Desktop?

You can access all staking assets through the Rewards app in Exodus Desktop.

How do I use the Rewards app?

To open the Rewards app, click on the Rewards icon.

In the Rewards app, you will see the following:

  • a) Average APY

  • b) Current balance that is earning rewards

  • c) Current all-time earnings

  • e) Option to switch the view

  • f) History

Underneath is a summary of each asset and its current APY.

If you have List View enabled, then under Type you will see how each reward process works:

  • Automatic: Earning and claiming rewards are automatic by holding this asset.

  • Staking (auto): You will need to choose an amount of this asset to stake, and then earning and claiming rewards are automatic.

  • Staking (claim): You will need to choose an amount of this asset to stake, and then earning rewards are automatic, but you need to claim your rewards manually.

  • Governance: You have to register your ALGO wallet on the Algorand governance website, which can't be done through the Exodus staking section.

How can I calculate potential rewards?

You can calculate potential staking rewards with the Calculate Profit feature.

The staking calculator is intended for informational purposes. Its results should not be considered a guarantee of specific rewards.

  1. In Exodus Desktop, click the Rewards icon.

  2. Click Calculate Profit.

  3. a) Select the crypto for which you want to calculate potential staking rewards. Next, b) set an amount using the Deposit Amount slider and c) the duration using the Term in months slider. You can see estimated potential rewards in the d) Potential Profit section.

    Potential rewards are calculated based on the current APY of the asset. APY for crypto staking is variable and fluctuates. To learn more, please visit: What is APY?

How can I see my reward history?

To find the transaction history of all your rewards, click the History icon in the top right corner.

What is the Staking tile in Exodus Web3 Wallet?

You can access all your staking assets from the Staking tile in your profile in Exodus Web3 Wallet. Here's how:

  1. In Exodus Web3 Wallet, a) tap on Profile, then b) tap on Staking.

  2. Here you'll see all stakeable assets in Exodus Web3 Wallet, their corresponding APY, and any previous earnings. Tap on any asset for more staking options.

How do I stake from my asset's wallet?

Each staking asset Exodus supports has an Earn Rewards or Stake menu in its wallet.


Tap the Stake icon.


Click the staking banner.

Web3 Wallet

Click the Stake icon.

Is it safe to stake crypto?

Staking crypto is generally as safe as holding crypto in your wallet.

That being said, there are possible risks involved in staking, such as smart contract risk, liquidity risk, slashing risk, and market risk. Therefore, it is important always to do your research and thoroughly weigh the pros and cons of staking.

In Exodus, the two types of staking available are regular staking and staking through a smart contract.

With regular staking, you delegate your assets to a validator, which is generally considered less risky.

Ethereum (ETH) and Polygon (MATIC) are staked using smart contracts. Because smart contracts can be vulnerable to exploits, our third-party staking API provider has undergone several security audits:

Here are some additional tips for staying safe when staking:

Is it safe to stake crypto with Everstake?

Exodus offers staking for various assets through our third-party staking API provider, Everstake.

When you stake with Everstake in Exodus, your funds are staked in a self-custodial manner. You remain in full control over your funds with your Exodus 12-word secret recovery phrase and private keys. Everstake cannot access your funds.

Depending on the asset, staking with Everstake involves either staking with the network itself or smart contracts.

When staking directly with the network, you delegate your staked funds to Everstake's staking pool to earn rewards. Staking rules are determined by the blockchain network you are staking funds on. Everstake never has control over your funds. Only you have the ability to access your staked funds with your secret recovery phrase and private keys.

For Ethereum (ETH) and Polygon (MATIC), which are staked through smart contracts, Everstake has undergone several security audits:

To learn more, visit Everstake's article: Is Everstake safe?

Why can't I stake crypto?

Due to regulatory restrictions, some wallet addresses and jurisdictions are unable to stake through Exodus.

If this applies to you, the staking option will not be available.

For users in unsupported regions with an existing staked balance, a notification will inform you that staking additional funds is unavailable. However, you can still unstake and access the funds that were previously staked.

Can I stake crypto in Exodus with my Trezor?

Staking crypto from your Exodus Trezor portfolio isn't supported. Staking is only supported with crypto in your Exodus portfolio.

If you have crypto on your Trezor that you want to stake, you can transfer it to your Exodus portfolio.

To learn how to transfer funds between your Trezor and Exodus portfolios, jump to: How do I transfer funds between Exodus and Trezor?

For more information on using Trezor with Exodus, visit: Getting Started with Exodus and Trezor.

Can I stake crypto in Exodus with my Ledger?

Yes, staking is supported with Ledger on Exodus Mobile on the following networks:

  • Ethereum (ETH)

  • Solana (SOL)

  • Polygon (MATIC) on the Ethereum network

To stake any of the supported staking assets, you'll first need to connect the Ledger asset account of the asset you want to stake.

For more information on how to stake with Ledger, visit: Can I stake crypto with my Ledger?

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